15 [GREAT] Techniques to Grow Your Social Media Organic Reach

15 min readNov 1, 2019

If you’re on digital marketing, you’ve probably noticed, it’s not a walk in the park to achieve a high social media organic reach. There are many factors on Facebook or any other social network that determine if your posts even get seen by your followers let alone shared.

Sure, there are paid-advertisements, but there is a risk involved, and it can become costly to grow your page significantly — and then you still have to do everything we’re mentioning below to keep those followers anyway.

Once you are posting actively, you’ll realize people don’t magically appear as we may hope in the beginning. It takes strategy, great content, and consistency to grow your pages.

In this blog post, we’re going to go over the top things you can do to start expanding your social media organic reach right now.

1) Think of social media organic reach like SEO

You want to treat your social media organic reach like that pesky SEO you’ve been dealing with on your blog and website.

Think keywords, think content, think the top of the search engine. The cool thing is — getting to the top on social media isn’t nearly as tricky as getting to the top on Google. To do this, you want to use hashtags in your posts on Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram.

These hashtags work as keywords and will help you show up when people are searching on those platforms.

Treat your social media organic reach like the traffic coming from your SEO strategy and do your hashtag research beforehand.

So Use Hashtags…

Hashtags can do two critical tasks for your marketing efforts. First off, they can help others find you more easily. When someone adds a hashtag to a post, it becomes searchable with the keyword they used, which means if a user is interested in finding posts on a topic and they search that keyword, your post will come up.

Hashtags also allow you to find and connect with your target audience. Find a few hashtags that resonate with your brand, or the ones your audience is already using. After that, start networking with them by introducing yourself and giving useful information for them.

Below there is an example of the use of GalaxyFold hashtag from a regular user (called @username to keep him anonymous) and Samsung. The user takes advantage of the hashtag to get some engagement is his post.

Twitter hashtags as a way to grow engagement and reach
Twitter hashtags as a way to grow engagement and reach

Every big name social network is currently using a hashtag feature since social networking users enjoy being able to search for content and meet people who post about what they are interested in.

If you are using Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook, hashtags are a great way to find and attract your target audience.

But Use Hashtags Strategically…

If you want to get very strategic, take a look at how frequently those hashtags are being used. If the search page is covered every 10 minutes, you probably won’t find much fame from being there. However, you will get many likes from bots, be careful.

You want people to be using them, but not so much you can’t even click a post without the page refreshing on you. If the page fills every few hours or every day, you may find more luck, and you can stay at the top by reusing the hashtag daily.

2) Everything You Post Needs a Meaning Behind It

When it comes to social media, you have to be very careful to continue building and showing off your brand. Branding doesn’t stop at your website. The more meaningful your posts are, the more success you will find when it comes to social media.

If you are posting a quote, it should resonate with your audience and have a specific purpose. If you post a promotional post, it needs a particular call to action and reason.

Whenever you post anything, you need to ask yourself what do you want your audience to feel or do after seeing your content.

3) Chose the Right Type of Content

Just because you’re at the top of a search or a newsfeed, it doesn’t mean people are going to click through to your profile. The post has to rock.

So, make your content stand out, and that means, make it high quality.

Use Video, Image, and Text.

While social media is one of the best ways to network and share your content, it is essential to remember you have to share what is helpful to your audience. When you are posting knowledge and information about your industry, people are more likely to learn something new and feel the need to engage.

It would be best if you made sure the written content of the post is informative and serves a purpose. If you are posting daily, you can start watching for what posts bring in more likes and followers and start using those as templates to speed up your marketing.

Using images can help your text flow quickly. Several apps allow you to deal with your artwork without being a designer. We give you an example below called Design Wizard.

Easily design your posts with apps such as Design Wizard
Easily design your posts with apps such as Design Wizard

A big trend in social media is the use of video to attract your audience’s attention and increase engagement. If the future is video, so the future is now. All of the leading social platforms have integrated video. Check here an article about factors to consider when creating your video strategy.

According to Twitter, Tweets with video attract ten times more engagements than Tweets without video. According to Statista, 85% of Internet users in the USA watched some king of video monthly in 2018.

So you better start using videos in your content.

Speak through visual content

Images are still the number one content shared in Social Media, so using the right images is still the best technique that you can apply.

It’s undoubtedly the first element that determines the impact of your post. Good social media images stand out from the crowd and draw attention in your followers’ news feeds.

While using images, you should share not only pictures but also quotes, recipes, daily tips, products, or promotions, depending on the business you are. A motivational quote through the use of an image is a typical example of engaging content on Instagram.

Another great way to improve your social media posts is using infographics, which stands for a graphic visual representation of information, including data, processes, text, or statistics. Specialists say that an infographic is 30 times more likely to be read than a purely textual article.

Use images that express what you’re trying to convey. Also, keep your images appealing and relevant to your target audience.

Remember that you don’t need to buy all of your images, there are several excellent free image banks available for commercial or personal use with high-quality pictures like flickr, pixabay, gratisography, publicdomainarchive or free-images.cc .

4) Paint Your Post with Colors

According to specialists, the psychology of color as it relates to persuasion is one of the most exciting and most controversial aspects of marketing. The brands that get the most engagement are the ones that make the best color choices.

In Joe Hallock’s study about color, he mentions that our preference for a specific color can be related to how we feel in any situation and even how we remember particular experiences.

In this study, he mentions different preferences in gender and age. Just as a curiosity, Blue was the preferred color in any of the cases (for 57% of men and 35% of women).

Before you roll out your social media campaign, select a color that is synonymous with your brand. Choose a color that represents you in the social media world.

Your choice of color does not only represent your brand, but it influences your followers on a psychological level.

Consider choosing a color that speaks to your target market. If you’re not getting enough engagement, reconsider looking for another color. The choice of the right color can improve your social media posts and engage your users.

Paint Your Post with Colors

5) Make your content easy and appealing to read

Daniel Kahneman, who is a Nobel Prize-winning psychologist, said:

“A general ‘law of least effort’ applies to cognitive as well as physical exertion. The law asserts that if there are several ways of achieving the same goal, people will eventually gravitate to the least demanding course of action.”

Keep your social media content simple to show to your audience that they can do something.

Break down the hard stuff in easy-to-digest chunks of information so that they can easily and quickly take action.

Usually, posts that have less amount of text also help to be more attractive and fast to read. People want to rapidly understand the message to engage right away or start reading the next post. So you have to be concise and send the message in a few seconds.

Another relevant advice to consider is to make the best of your headline. Headlines that call attention usually have numbers and trigger words such as what, why, how, or when.

Strong adjectives usually can call much attention as well, like “Amazing,” Fun,” or “Top.” The last tip you should consider is to give an impression of the scarcity of time or quantity, like “last pieces in stock” or “valid offer for the first 50 clients”.

Try using this mentioned advice on your headline, like:

“How to use 7 fun techniques to grow your sales


“What Are The Top 10 Things People Say They Regret? Learn From It Before It’s Too Late”

These words will trigger their desire and maybe would convince them to engage. Trigger words are powerful, and we’ll talk more about it in a little while.

6) Use Trigger Words

Mark Twain said,

“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”

Words have power. The words that you use determine to what degree people take action.

The right emotional trigger words can take a dull and lifeless message to a whole new level.

Typically, the six words that work well are who, what, when, where, why, and how.

There are several specialists out there showing the best trigger words you can use. The conclusion is, of course, there is no perfect formula, and you have to consider what best fits your audience and your goal.

Therefore, you should follow some necessary steps before applying the right trigger words:

  1. Decide the action your users have to take (like comment your post, share your post or follow your page).
  2. Define how you want to get your user’s attention (make them curious, inspired, motivated, relaxed, etc.).
  3. Use call-to-action words to trigger and motivate the user to perform what you want.

7) Connect Your Social Media Posts with emotions

Social media posts with strong emotions can help you connect with readers well, especially when they are somehow happy.


In the conclusion of a study run by a select group of scientists using data from millions of Facebook users, it was presented how the rainfall directly influenced the emotional content of the users in their status messages, but also affected the status messages of one or two of their friends in other cities, who are not experiencing rainfall.

That’s an exciting relation showing that positive emotional content can lead to positive leads to your company. Aside from happiness, another three emotions will make a post engaging.

Sadness, fear/surprise, and anger/disgust.

In the report published by the IPA databank, it shows that campaigns with purely emotional content performed twice as well as those with only rational content.

To make the most of emotions in social media, share useful content with your followers. Show a happy and friendly brand that is helpful and generous. Moreover, naturally, you will draw people not only to your post but to your brand as well.

Check below how engaging this post from Nike was with more than 9 Million views, headline:

“Don’t if your dreams are crazy. Ask if they’re crazy enough”

Nike Post Showing a win Celebration in Football
Nike Post Showing a win Celebration in Football

These psychology tips can help you connect with your audience on an emotional level.

You can create a conversation and improve your engagement with your followers. Just be strategic on each element that you use for your social media posts and be aware of these techniques that you can use for your business.

8) Chose the Right Audience

As a business owner, social media marketing is critical.

While your website acts as your home base, the best way to get out and increase your social media organic reach all over the world is to get on post content for your audience.

However, with the millions of accounts and users out there that are posting tons of content, it can be easy to get lost in the crowd.

After a while of posting content with no engagement, social media can become discouraging, which is why it is essential to realize that social media is not all about self-promotion and waiting for users to find you. You have to go out, find your audience, and help them, so they know you even exist.

With the reach limitation of your Social Media posts, choosing the right audience can help you increase engagement, and everybody knows that this can help algorithms increase your reach.

Below you can see how facebook lets you organically choose the audience that will see your posts. Go to the settings of your Facebook page.

Facebook Audience Optimization Posts
Facebook Audience Optimization Posts

9) Try Something New

While everyone is sharing social media rules to follow, it is crucial not to be afraid to try something new.

Like we mentioned earlier, the competition on social media is high. If you spend all of your time copying other users and playing it safe, your brand and profile will never ‘wow’ anyone.

With all of this in mind, keep your social media fun, network, and reach out to other users and post the best content you can. When you follow these three steps, social success will come.

Apple, for example, started using natural scenarios and the original videos from animal life. Successfully posts get thousands of engagement.

Creative Video from Apples, exploring nature beautiful scenarios
Creative Video from Apples, exploring nature beautiful scenarios

10) Get New followers, but remember nobody wants to be somewhere they aren’t wanted

Have you ever felt like you’re somewhere that nobody misses you otherwise? That’s exactly how social media works.

If you want followers, you must genuinely care that they are there. There are two simple ways you can do this.

First of all, you can thank and follow back the people that follow you.

Make them feel special with a special message and even compliment them on something or bring up a commonality. Maybe you notice your users love dogs, and you can share that you have a pooch of your own.

Some tools can help you increase your following, such as Social Bee.

Grow your following with tools like SocialBee

Recently Twitter has started blocking apps that help users follow other users with automatic features that increase the speed of this process. Other social media platforms, such as Instagram, have already a limited number of users followed in a short period.

You can and should also engage with followers and potential followers.

By liking and commenting on other people’s content you are showing, you aren’t just another business out there looking for numbers. People love attention from companies and brands, give it to them!

11) Stay consistent

Most people will go to a social media profile and check the consistency and relevancy of your content.

If you post too often and it’s random content, you will be spam on their newsfeed. If you never post, you will be a hidden account they never hear from either.

Posting quality content daily or multiple times per week will allow people to see you as an active, useful account to follow.

Remember, with the right strategy; you can grow your account organically. It doesn’t take vast amounts of money to go far. When you follow these steps, you will get results.

What’s the optimal number of posts?

Use social media to build your brand’s voice. How do you become consistent in social media? According to the Buffer App, the optimal number of weekly posts on Facebook is between five and 10. On Twitter, three times daily.

It’s imperative to post regularly, but your content should also reflect your identity as a brand. Post content that is relevant to your niche.

However, you can break this rule. Once in a while, post content that will deviate from your brand like holiday greetings or motivational quotes. While it’s OK to differ from your brand’s content, be mindful when posting them. Be careful not to over-post content that’s irrelevant.

12) Become Active in Social Communities

There are many types of social communities out there that you can participate in and grow your following.

Social communities are all about networking and meeting others and are one of the most efficient ways to do so.

Finding Facebook and LinkedIn groups that connect to your business, your local area, and your interests are great ways to start meeting people, helping people by answering questions, and asking them!

If you are a business owner or digital marketer looking to learn more about marketing and growing an audience, for example, there are hundreds of communities that focus on sharing social media tips and tricks.

Joining one of these communities would be an excellent opportunity to introduce your business, share what you know, and learn from others. In many cases, Facebook even incentive you to open your page’s community, to increase your reach since groups have their unique notifications.

Create your Facebook page’s community

Another type of social community you can join is Twitter chats. Many big-name users and brands host Twitter chats in almost every industry.

Start searching for chats that you have expertise in and participate in, which not only allows you to introduce yourself and network but answer questions and provide advice and content to potential audience members.

13) Focus on Your Customer

In social media, it’s not about you. It’s about your customers.

If you are tempted to post only promotional content, please stop. Not only that this strategy won’t work, but it would hurt your brand as it does not provide value to them.

How do you focus on your followers? Find and share content that your customers would want to see.

Also, sometimes, mix it with your promotional content. Limit your promotional posts. If you won’t, your social media organic reach would decrease.

14) Chat-Friendly (engage with your followers)

Social media means relationships. So one of the best ways to cultivate relationships with your followers is through engagement.

Interact with your current and future customers. Make them feel valued. Complaints about your brand are usual. However, don’t take them lightly because the way you handle complaints will reflect who you are as a brand.

Approach them well and consider every complaint as an opportunity to show off your customer service skills. You will encounter a gazillion of failures but don’t hide from them.

15) Compensated Minimal Investments

Because you don’t have a big budget for your online marketing strategies, consider investing a small amount of your money into various social media platforms.

Let us say this once again; social media is very cost-effective. You will be amazed where your $100 budget could bring you.

Don’t use the same strategy on all of your social media platforms because each has its strengths and weaknesses. Each has its native language. Your approach on Facebook may not work on Twitter or LinkedIn or Instagram, and the list goes on. Bottom-line is, for every social media platform, have a unique strategy.

You don’t want to burn your money for anything. Facebook is a pay-to-play platform, which means you need to pay extra bucks to see more engagement with your content.

Twitter can provide you a considerable amount of organic engagement, but it allows you to post sponsored tweets. Just like Facebook, you can increase your exposure and engagement rate by sponsoring a tweet.

In Conclusion

You have just launched your business online, and you have laid out your online marketing strategies. You were hoping that people would instantly notice your brand and profits would increase. You want to be seen by more prospects. Also, you want to develop a community of loyal customers.

However, there’s a big wall in front of you that says, “Hold it right there!” The challenge is that you’re not only competing in your industry but millions of marketing information that consumers are exposed to every single second.

Plus, you don’t have the money to invest heavily in digital marketing. So what do you do? Be social and start using social media strategically.

Many marketers can do better when it comes to connecting with their fans if they start using some psychology techniques. The success of your social media engagement and reach is determined by how well your posts trigger action from your audience.

In this article, you discovered how you could make your brand stand out and get your message through the noisy world of social media. We listed several methods that can make your social media organic reach grow.

Although it’s very challenging to grow your social media organic reach while being tied to a shoestring budget, we recommend you follow these methods and see your brand stand out from the crowd.




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