Pinterest Engagement: How to Be More Successful With Pinterest Posts

7 min readJul 4, 2022

With more than 250 million monthly active users, Pinterest is an effective platform for driving traffic to your blog or website. But with so many images on the site, how do you make yours stand out? How do you build a loyal following that looks forward to your posts? In this article, we will talk about how to increase your Pinterest engagement and be successful in this social network.

Being an entrepreneur, online influencer, and business executive can be tiring and challenging, but you still want to cross the 100 fans mark in your Pinterest account. You may request help from an experienced freelancer or a marketing consultant to take advantage of this unique market channel.

How Do You Increase Your Pinterest Engagement?

Well, there are several good ways, such as creating content that utilizes visuals that drive more engagement, sharing more photos from your life, conducting contests and polls to get more attention, and being consistent with your posting frequency.

Here are ten steps to increase your Pinterest engagement and be successful in this social network.

1) Write Posts And Create Pins That Contain Tips And Advice.

Create a post where you share your tips for how to do something or answer a common question. Or you can create a pin that has clear steps on doing something.

Create a series of images for one topic, such as an idea for decorating your home for the holidays, organizing your kitchen cabinets, or creating wedding decorations.

Explanatory Infographics are also a great way to help your audience and create engagement.

Increasing Pinterest engagement using infographics
Tips to help you sell more

Each image can focus on one part of the project, with text describing what to do in each image. People can then click from one image in the series to the next, seeing all the steps they need to take to complete the project.

2) Include Lots Of Pictures, But Make Sure They Are High Quality.

Include lots of pictures, but make sure they are high quality. Repinning images that don’t look good will not reflect well on your brand. While using stock photography is okay, create original ideas that display your unique products and services if you want to stand out.

Posts about minimalist decoration
Posts about minimalist decoration

Check that your pins are optimized for Pinterest search if you’re sharing stock photos. You can even add your valuable keywords to the image source code, so your business is visible in Pinterest search results.

3) Feature Your Content.

The content you pin on Pinterest should mix your creation and the content you find on the web. Make sure that your pins are always relevant to your board and audience. For example, if you have a parenting board, don’t post pictures of cats. If you have a fashion board, don’t post cooking recipes.

own content in Pinterest
Publish your own content

Feature your content. It’s essential to feature content from other sites and also to feature some of your work. You can do this by posting new blog articles or sharing photos from events you’ve attended. This is an excellent way for people to know more about who you are and what you do best.

4) Highlight The Experts In Your Industry.

A great way to gain recognition for your blog is to highlight other influencers in your niche on Pinterest.

When you post about another expert, especially if you mention them on the board description, they will be notified and might share it on their social media accounts, bringing more traffic to your website. This will also help you build a relationship with that person, which might lead to them sharing your content one day.

Elon Musk Board
Elon Musk Board

Create a board with tips from your blog posts and other experts in your niche. You can find these tips by searching for them on Pinterest or looking at the top articles for each keyword on Google.

For example, you might run a blog about healthy living, so you could create a board called “Healthy Living Tips” and pin articles with tip lists from other websites.

5) Use A Conversational Tone While You Write.

Some of the most effective social media posts take on a conversational tone. That’s because they have an easier time connecting with their target audience. You can be sure that your Pinterest followers will appreciate posts with a friendly, approachable voice.

So, how can you write in a conversational tone? Here is one big tip:

Ask questions.

It’s perfectly acceptable to ask your readers questions directly (though you should probably avoid leading questions). If you’re looking for input on a topic, don’t be afraid to ask for it. This has the added benefit of giving you more insight into what your readers want to see in future posts.

6) Keep it personal.

People want to see real people doing real things, so when creating pins, include shots of your team members and customers in action! Show what makes your business unique — for example, if you run a coffee shop and use an old-school espresso machine or offer homemade baked treats, include a photo of those items in your pin.

Be honest and transparent when posting, and encourage engagement by asking questions and writing in an appropriate voice for your brand or personality.

7) Use Trending Topics To Get More Views.

Use trending topics to get more views.

If you want to get more views and engagement, it’s good to include trending topics in your posts. Pinterest is constantly updating what’s trending and making this information available to users. You can find out what’s trending at the top of your home feed under the “Trending” tab.

Ways to include trending topics in your posts:

  • Use keywords from the trending topic in your post title or description.
  • Write about a product or service related to the subject (like a cocktail for National Margarita Day) and include relevant keywords in the title and description.
  • Create a list of ideas with each item on the list as a separate pin (like 10 Winter Coats You Need This Season).
  • Make sure each pin has a unique title and description using keywords from the trending topic relevant to that pin.

8) Write Fun Lists That People Can Easily Read Over Lunch Or While On Their Commute To Work.

A good list post is simple and easy to digest, like this post:

“Seven Ingredients You Didn’t Know You Needed in Your Kitchen.”
The next time you’re at the supermarket, try reading the ingredients on your favorite food items and see if you recognize all of them. You might be surprised at some of the elements and how many are good for you (and taste yummy!).

Make it something everyone can relate to, like this one: “7 Things Everyone Should Have in Their Closet.” If you’re a fashionista or an avid shopper, you have most of these items in your wardrobe already!

When creating a list post, keep in mind that your title should be short and sweet.

Write Fun Lists
Write Fun Lists

The body copy should be something that people can easily read over lunch or while on their commute to work. If possible, use visuals such as photos or illustrations for each item on the list, so readers have an easier time visualizing what they’ll get from your content.

9) Ask Questions To Encourage Engagement With Your Followers.

Ask questions to encourage engagement with your followers.

You want to grow your following, but you also need to engage with those who follow you. One of the best ways to do this is by asking questions. Questions can be asked in several different ways on Pinterest, from an image post with a lengthy caption encouraging followers to comment below or even just a simple question in the comments section of an already existing post.

Ask questions to increase your Pinterest engagement
Ask questions to increase engagement

Commenting and asking questions on other pins will get you noticed.

Pinterest is all about finding inspiration from others and showing off what inspires us! Commenting on other people’s pins is an excellent way for them to notice you and engage with your profile. Just make sure that when commenting on other staples, you actually have something useful or interesting to say!

10) Post Inspirational Quotes Or Content To Brighten Up Someone’s Day

Show People You’re A Person Just Like Them Who Has Bad Days Too!

Pinterest has grown in popularity because it lets you browse what you’re interested in and provides inspiration when you need it most. This concept of inspiration makes Pinterest so attractive to brands, businesses, and marketers — it’s an opportunity for companies to use contextually relevant ideas to inspire consumers in the hope they will be motivated to make purchases based on those ideas.

Use Pinterest for inspiration, not just for posting content. When people go on Pinterest, they’re usually looking for something new or different than what’s been published before. If your posts aren’t inspiring them with fresh ideas, it won’t do any good to share them there. Instead, use Pinterest as an inspiration board.

Pin things that inspire you, and then share those pins with others who might find them helpful!

Are You Ready To Increase Your Pinterest Engagement?

By following these tips, you can hope to make your time on Pinterest more productive and less stressful.

When used correctly, the tactics and strategies found above will help you build a strong following, gain more Pinterest engagement with your content, and make all of your posts more effective, ultimately resulting in getting more fans.




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